3 Tips to Help Your Kids Ease into Fall Summer is over and your children are already back to the daily grind of school. A...
Tooth Friendly Summer Salads When you’re asked to bring a salad to a get-together, what do you picture first: lettuce, pasta,...
This July 4th, Be like George Fifteen hours of pure sunlight - that's what July is to your children. Fifteen hours of unadulterated...
What’s Coming in When? A Tooth Eruption Guide. While the arrival of your little one’s teeth might seem like a scattered and...
The Science Behind Why Veggies Are Good for Your Mouth We all know eating our veggies is good for us … but why exactly?...
Salads Even Kids Will Love Ah, salads… we love ‘em, we hate ‘em. But, mostly, we just hate making them, right? If someone put a...
Success! Your Teen’s First Solo Dental Appointment So your little one is not so little, and they get to visit the dentist all by...
How to Introduce a Family Tech-Free Day You’re busy. Your kids are busy. Everyone is busy. Too busy. But are we, really? Or, are...
How to Prevent Child Tooth Decay There’s more to preventing tooth decay than just hiding the candy bowl. And it’s important t...
Fluoride Treatments: A Few Things to Know Fluoride works by strengthening tooth enamel and making teeth more resistant t...