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The One Thing about Flossing Hardly Anyone Does Correctly

There are three steps to developing a good flossing routine. Make it easy. Make it fun. And do it correctly. To make it easy, simply...

So, Your Kid Wants to be a Dentist? Five Ways To Help Them Plan.

Dr, Whitfield & Dr. Eckroat have the pleasure of hearing those words often! It is a great career that is full of reward, but do you...

Should You Pull Out That Loose Tooth?

You’ve seen the videos. The string tied to the loose tooth. The other end tied to something that moves fast – a rocket, a...

Oh, No! A Dental Emergency While Away from Home.. Now What?

There are a many things that can go wrong when your family is on vacation. You can have a hungry bear rummage through you...

How to Plan for the Removal of Your Teen's Wisdom Teeth

Chipmunk-city. Remember what it was like to have your wisdom teeth pulled? If the swollen mouth, teasing siblings, and new-...

Creative Tooth Fairy Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank

August 22nd is National Tooth Fairy Day. So is February 28th! Apparently the tooth fairy is so honorable, she’s celebrated twice...

Why Are Primary Teeth So Important (Won't They Fall Out Anyway?)

There's hardly anything better than a smile from a child. Even the gummy toothless smile of a toddler brings a certain joy to...

Is Pool Water Harming Your Child’s Teeth?

Now here’s a question you’ve perhaps never asked yourself before. Can swimming regularly in a chlorinated pool damage yo...

How to Prevent and Treat Weak Tooth Enamel in Children

At its thickest, the average person’s tooth enamel is a mere half-millimeter wider than a Susan B. Anthony dollar. Yet, despite its...

The Perfect Road Map For Your Child’s Oral Health

On July 3rd, 1806, two years into their journey to chart the unchartered west of America, pioneer explorers Meriwether...

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